Banner showing Inspirational Talk number 6

Tech4Impact – Leveraging technologies to address grand societal challenges

We are happy to present Dr. Julia Binder, Project Leader of EPFL Tech4Impact (Switzerland).

In this talk, Julia Binder will provide some reflections about the role of technology in addressing society’s most pressing challenges and provide some examples of how EPFL’s Tech4Impact initiative aims at promoting sustainable research, innovation, and entrepreneurship through collaborations with industry, NGOs/ IOs, governments, and society at large.

Research and innovation have the potential to address many of the malfunctions of our socio-economic systems. As we are entering what some refer to as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, technology in particular is playing a crucial role in addressing many of the most pressing problems of our time. The opportunities to solve such major challenges are significant: from alleviating poverty, ensuring access to education and healthcare, enabling circular economic systems, to promoting gender equality – technological solutions can play an important role in providing (and scaling!) solutions to
these complex problems. However, we should also understand that technology is not a silver bullet to solve all societal problems and what is more – it even creates its own set of ethical challenges. We thus need to critically reflect about the ethical boundaries of technologies and its applications.

Join us and get inspired!

Monday 23 September 2019 from 15:00 to 15:45

Inspirational Talk -  Q&A - cake

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Mon 23 Sep 19
15:00 - 15:45


DTU Entrepreneurship


DTU Entrepreneurship
Produktionstorvet, Building 426,1st floor
2800 Kgs. Lyngby