Invitation to Inspirational Talk: Research about Academic Entrepreneurship
Inspirational talk by Professor Riccardo Fini from University of Bologna
Open Entrepreneurship invites to an inspirational talk by Professor Riccardo Fini from University of Bologna.
"Behind the scenes – Research about Academic Entrepreneurship".
Ricardo Fini is a renowned researcher in the field of technology transfer and technology commercialization, academic entrepreneurship and academic engagement.
It is a great opportunity for us to have him for an inspiring talk on research, policy and practice and to engage in a fruitful discussion with us.
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
from 15:00-16:30 CET
It is free of charge.
DTU Skylab
Diplomvej 373A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
The talk will also be streamed online - sign up for in person or online participation.
Sign up here (deadline 7 June at 10:00 CET)
• Welcome and short overview of the concept Open Entrepreneurship
• Behind the scenes with Riccardo Fini
• Q&A
• Networking, beverages and snacks
We look forward to welcoming you to the inspirational talk
Sign up here (deadline 7 June at 10:00 CET)
Best regards
Open Entrepreneurship
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